Customized t-shirts are one of the top trending fashion items that a person can get nowadays. Whether it be because of business or fashion purposes, the fact is that possibilities are endless. There are, however, some rules to keep in mind so the t-shirt doesn’t result in a unappealing mess destined to stay at the bottom of a drawer as the last choice.
1] Placement is fundamental
Depending on different motives, a customized print can be placed on different places over a t-shirt. However, even a very good design can be ruined with the wrong placement. Always keep in mind trying to avoid the unflattering areas of the body when thinking about where to put the design.
2) Variety makes things more interesting
Plain prints tend to make things way less appealing for customers. Even with designs that are all based on typography, variety can be achieved by including different types of fonts, sizes and shapes of letters. A message totally in capitals should always be avoided, unless the font type requires it.
3) Contrast and colors should always be revised
We all have a personal favorite in the color palette, so it is not a secret that there are some colors that are more popular than others. However, when it comes to customization of t-shirts and fashion wear in general, regardless of the item’s purpose, a good color combination will be the key to make it wearable in different situations; a well-made contrast and combination will be the difference between an uniform that people will wear exclusively during working hour, and a gear piece that a person will wear In many other situations.
4) Size does matter, a lot
When it comes to custom made designs, whether it be a standard one, a custom made one or a company logo, we always have to remember that the size is what makes the difference between elegance and tackiness. It is also important to keep in mind that different t-shirt sizes will need different sizes on the print (such as ladies, toddler, extra large sizes).
5) What is the reason for this design in the first place?
Business, eccentricity, or a fashionable demand, the fact is that there are many reasons to buy customized tshirts online. During the designing process, there should always be a good communication with the customer about this topic, as it will be the starting point in the process of selecting the colors, the size of the design, the placement.