Filing a foreign worker’s compensation claim is not so different than your standard claim. The best thing to do is to file a claim once the accident has happened. You cannot afford to wait. The more you wait, the harder it will be to prove something has happened, even if you have irrefutable proof.
Six Things To Keep In Mind About Filing Your Claim
1) Every state requires you to file a complaint once an incident has happened. It works the same way with foreign workers compensation too. You need to file everything before the deadline passes. It will get harder to collect your benefits and prove what has happened the longer you wait.
You can visit website resources online about how to lodge a claim and what you can claim for.
2) Some accidents or incidents require medical attention. You should visit your doctor right away. Your injuries might require x-rays, as well as other medical treatments. You need the x-rays to show what has happened. The filing department will request a copy of the x-rays to process your claim.
You cannot say you have injured your back and not show proof. What happens if you delay your visit? The insurance can claim that you are faking everything to get money. They can also say that nothing ever happened. Insurance companies can claim a lot of things in favour of them not paying a dime.
That is why you need to show records of everything that happens with the doctor. You never know when the doctor will have to back up your claim with paperwork.
3) What happens when the company sends their doctor? That does happen. The insurance company is acting in their best interests, not yours.
An Example
Kyle faces an injury on the field. The medical department sends their doctor to check Kyle out. The only problem with this is that the medical department might not have Kyle’s best interest at heart. Kyle is a football player. They want Kyle to keep playing. They will say anything the can to make sure Kyle is back on the field soon.
This happens with your foreign and standard worker’s compensation too. The insurance company is biased. You do not want someone biased in a situation like this.
4) You need to understand the current benefits you have. You might have disability benefits, but they can either be permanent or temporary. Does your file say temporary? You will only get the bare minimum and for a short period.
You may or may not have vocational rehabilitation or milage coverage. The mileage benefits cover you to and from your doctor’s visits. You should check to make sure you have that. You could be at a loss without it.
5) Sometimes patients see an outside examiner. They focus on patient history. The outside examiner makes sure that everything is on the up and up.
6) You should keep a record of everything, especially when your benefits offer foreign compensation. Some of the rules are applied differently. You can keep a copy on your PC, but make sure you have paper copies lying around.
You need to be covered in case something happens, and trust me, it will. Having a personal injury on file is a good idea too. A personal injury lawyer will make sure the insurance company is not taking advantage of something they should not.