The years are rolling by faster and faster, and as they do it gets harder to recognise the person staring back at you in the mirror. This is the curse of ageing. There are some age-old secrets that can help you take on time and roll back the years, helping you to look and feel younger. Give yourself a boost inside and out with these simple and effective anti-ageing tips.
Cleaner Is Younger
We have all heard how the skin is a like a sponge, but it absorbs far more than micellar water and moisturiser. Grease, pollution, dust, and dead skin can all get sucked into pores and block them, and that’s why cleansing is so important. It is not enough to give your skin a quick rinse if you want to tackle old Father Time. Use gentle, but effective cleansers to clean your skin. Wash your face in the shower with your favourite soap by all means, just don’t stop there.
Make that a first cleanse but follow up at the sink with something that goes a little deeper and exfoliates the skin, bringing all the pollutants out from it. This gives you a better base to add toner or moisturiser too, replacing the bad with the good and giving your skin the clean moisture it needs to repair and replenish itself. This isn’t just good for the face, but for the whole body too.
Trust the Professionals
You can accomplish a lot on your own, but just like every car needs a mechanic’s attention every once in a while, sometimes you need the help of a professional to keep everything ticking over. This isn’t just for the outside, but what is inside too. Nothing causes ageing like stress. Wrinkles are worry lines, and a furrowed brow is not a good look no matter how old you are.
One of the best beauty treatments is massage. You come out of an appointment feeling and looking like a whole new you and invigorated to take on the next task. People leave a massage glowing with relaxation, rejuvenated with youthful energy. Places like Skyrah Beauty in Epsom are a one-stop shop, offering massage as well as many other top treatments. Why not make a day of it?
Supplementing Beauty with Intelligence
What you put inside your body has a huge impact on how it looks, and how it functions when it repairs itself. Your diet does more to affect your skin than many people realise. You may know that if you eat a chocolate bar or a bag of chips you might get a greasy spot or too, but it goes much further than that. A lack of vitamin C can prevent your skin from repairing itself effectively, and this can lead to wrinkles or dark spots. Vitamin E can also help combat this problem as we age. Fortify your body’s arsenal with some skincare supplements and take on age from within.
You can take years off yourself, or preserve your look for longer, by following these simple tips. Invest in the right areas, like supplements, self-care, and some extra skincare and ageing won’t know what hit it.