Our mobile devices have progressed much further than just being used for calling and texting as they have quickly evolved into complete multimedia devices for gaming, music, video, and much more. As each year passes and newer iterations of flagship devices are offered with bigger and better features – when its time to upgrade in particular it can be difficult to identify which features offer the biggest benefit to you for which specific purpose, so we’ll take a look at some suggestions for the big features in our mobile devices that offer the biggest performance upgrades.
Mobile displays – One of the recent changes for consumer devices has been with the advancements made in mobile displays – whilst the most common one to see is within the size and resolution increases, the latest models also offer a faster display with refresh rates up to 120hz and higher, which is the number of times the screen refreshes per second – mostly devices only offer 59hz or lower, and so double the speed offers a huge performance benefit. Those benefitting most will be the ones taking part in gaming on their device, there has been a huge rise in the number of players turning to genres such as mobile casinos which can be found here, and the faster refresh rate offers a great performance bump to those who try it out, and often find themselves not going back after.
Newer connectivity options – Another of the big trends that has come to newer devices is within the introduction of 5G connectivity – whilst the rollout for towers that enable the connection has been a little slower particularly with the pandemic causing delays, but as the rollout speeds up and becomes more widely available, more users will be able to find the huge benefits of the faster speeds and the wider connectivity that is enabled by 5G. For users who hold on to older devices for a longer period of time, this new feature alone may be enough to encourage change a little ahead of schedule.
(Image from expertreviews.co.uk)
Camera technology – The other big feature that has become more readily available is within camera technology as social media has led to a huge uptick in the camera availability in devices – both picture and video quality have rocketed over the last few years where 4K video is now a regular occurrence, but one of the big drawbacks for this change in camera tech has been within how much this feature alone sems to have driven prices up for devices – if you’re looking to save a little on your new device, you may find it’s the camera that is bumping the price up.