A cockroach infestation is one of the most common pest problems in the country, and they are irritating to deal with. In addition, a cockroach infestation can increase the spread of health infections. Finding out where these cockroaches are coming from can be challenging, but a Leon Valley pest control service comes to your rescue to solve the problem.
A professional pest control service can help prevent the spread of cockroach infestation with the right approach and plan.
Preventing roach infestation
The kitchen drain is one of the most attractive spots for the cockroach. You can prevent cockroaches from coming to your house by keeping the kitchen drain clean and pouring boiled water. Doing so will kill any insects present inside the kitchen drain as well as their eggs. Furthermore, you must avoid keeping leftover food and dirty dishes in the sink.
Cockroaches are attracted to food and water. Therefore, ensure that you keep the garbage bins tightly closed. Additionally, throw the waste time-to-time to avoid attracting cockroaches. In case of spills and crumbs, clean up immediately.
Moreover, if there are any leaks in your bathroom, make sure to fix them right away. As mentioned, cockroaches are attracted to water, and bathroom plumbing can lead to cockroach infestation. Therefore, you must plug up the bathroom drain timely to prevent cockroaches from entering your house.
Lastly, cockroaches are also attracted to papers. It would be helpful if you did not leave newspapers, magazines, or papers around the house. Keep them in a bag that is tightly closed.
How to treat cockroach infestation?
If you see cockroaches in your house, you can take various DIY methods to get rid of them. One of the first steps to getting rid of them is to find out where they are coming from. Once you determine where they are coming from, you can find the next steps easily.
Next, you can seal the cracks and openings anywhere in your house with the correct methods. However, note that you may not be able to completely seal certain areas, such as drainages. You can also use cockroach traps which are available in the market. Place these traps in the areas where you suspect roaches or saw them.
However, when the roach infection increases, DIY methods may not work. You need a permanent solution to get rid of them. A professional pest control service can help you determine the underlying cause of the infestation and provide the right treatment plan to fight roach infestation.