In this article, we will discuss how are laboratory-grown pink diamonds made.
Also, we will discuss pink diamonds rare due to their characteristics and what are pink diamonds.
What are pink diamonds?
The natural pink diamond is known to be the most valuable treasure on this Earth.
These are the top vivid colour stones, and they sell for $2 million per carat in the market.
Such prices come to form the rarity and also their beauty like its shape, texture, etc.
Only some percentage of diamonds in this world have the colour pink while the rest are white, blue, yellow, etc.
There come diamonds, which have colour and also vivid properties in them, which are also rare.
Pink diamonds are made in two ways. The first is naturally in caves, and the other is in a laboratory.
The pink diamonds created in the laboratory are much different from the naturally made ones.
The manufacturer cannot duplicate the way it is coloured and also cut in shapes.
Between the years 2008 to 2016, the GIA has shown reports of 90,000 pink diamonds.
These pink diamonds can either be the naturally made ones or the laboratory or both combined.
How are laboratory-grown pink diamonds made?
There is also a laboratory-grown pink diamond in the market, and they are created in three ways.
The first and the most common method is through irradiating.
This means that the diamond is grown with nitrogen impurities and kept at moderate temperature.
The second method used by the scientist to create these diamonds in the laboratory is CVD.
CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition) is the method where a 520 nm spectrum band is created.
This spectrum is created with the help of the diamond, and it results in an orange-pink colour given to it.
GIA has several reports in which they have told there are only some stones which are created from this.
The third method is the one where they add a high amount of silicon to the CVD growth.
Which is then exposed to UV illumination and creates a reversible colour change.
This means that it creates a temporary pink that can also be turned into blue colour.
These were the three methods in which the pink diamond was created in a laboratory.
Is pink diamond rare according to its characteristics?
If you see the GIA chart shows that 47% of the diamond was unmodified, and it has a pink colour.
While 28% was purplish, 17% was brownish pink, and 10% was orange pink and 3% brown, and 1% purple.
This shows that the pink diamond is there in a lot of mines, but they are yet to be explored.
This is why the prices of these diamonds are high due to their scarcity in the market.
Another thing is that the naturally made pink diamond has a unique shape and characteristics.
This means that they do not need any kind of shining or polishing before they are sent to the market.
This is because of its colour, size, and shape its looks perfectly natural and has more value.