Treating skin conditions is typically necessary and dermatology procedures to treat skin diseases fall in the category of dermatology, which is a branch of medical science, and then there is the additional branch of dermatology that requires a dermatologist to do additional training. The second mentioned branch is called cosmetic dermatology which is all about skin beauty and appearance. When talking about the esteemed Cheyanne Mallas PA, is both an expert dermatologist as well as an experienced cosmetic dermatologist.
Irrespective of the fact that cosmetic treatments can give you a lot of advantages, they are not the treatment purposes but aesthetic purposes. Some of the examples of cosmetic dermatology procedures that you can get from Cheyanne Mallas are Botox injections, Sculptra, and more. For more details about Cheyanne Mallas, you can just head to her main site linked above. As long as you are young by age, you look fine with your facial appearance, but as you reach middle age, you see aging signs that you want to have removed.
The field of dermatology and cosmetic dermatology
Dermatology is a primary medical field and cosmetic dermatology comes as a secondary field, which also includes plastic surgery, aesthetics, and skin rejuvenation. In addition to these examples, a wide range of specialties can be covered in cosmetic dermatology. Let’s talk about Botox, just to help you understand why you should consider cosmetic dermatology procedures.
Botox is a noninvasive cosmetic dermatology procedure that you can receive from Cheyanne Mallas at her cosmetic dermatology clinic. The best part is that it does not leave you with any adverse side effects, and on top of that, it is the most effective and affordable way to get rid of wrinkled skin. Whether the wrinkles are on the face or anywhere else on the skin, Botox can reduce them to almost zilch.